Hi There, I'm Jade
I've been doing readings for over 5 years, and consider myself to be an experienced channeler. I've always had a deep curiosity for the unknown, and the energy beyond this seen world. As a reader I like to be an aid on other peoples journey. Helping them to see their journey from a higher perspective, and to help themselves dive into the unknown of their own lives. For a bigger goal of raising the collective frequency as humanity continues its ascension process. I ask that you listen to your own intuition for if you feel called to work with me.
My Experience
I received my first oracle deck from my mom when I was 9 years old. Daily Guidance from your Angels by Doreen Virtue was my first deck. I instantly felt a pull to use them. At that time I didn't know the journey those decks and my mother was opening me up to. As I got older I started to notice the readings my aunt did for my family. Very quickly I started to learn from her, understanding the cards as a tool and a door to listen to my intuition more intently as well as a Source above me. I began pursuing it as a side job beside school when I was 16. I worked as a second entertainment at jewelry or Norwex house parties for my mom's friends or family. After graduation I found a place to do my readings for the public in my own home town at the Amaryllis Crystal Portal. Where I found a community and a place for me to dive deeper into this world. Very quickly I found myself connecting to the other side, beginning with my own spirit Guides to family that had passed on, then to ones that chose to come through in my readings.
Since then I have received my masters in Reiki, became able to go to the Akashic Records, and as a product have a deeper understanding of this world as a unity. Now today I feel more confident in myself then ever in my own channeling ability. Now I understand the pull I felt when I was 9 years old and is still there today. Which is to seek out the truth. Which I have come to understand stems from an ability to quiet the mind, feel and be open to anything.

My mission
My mission is to help raise the frequency of the collective and be an aid on this journey of ascension in the world. By helping those on their own journey and to channel important information to make this transition easier for people. To help people with their own energetic healing through Reiki. To inspire confidence in your self, to help people see through their own false realities. To rediscover your own power in your journey.
My words to you
I want to live in a world where people feel more connected with each other. Where fear is left and love comes in to where fear had taken residence in our selves. Everyone is capable of living in their highest timeline here on earth.
You are powerful, your soul chose exactly who you are because they thought that was the best version to be in this life. It came from a place of absolute divine love and to experience what this world had to offer. Nobody else can heal you except for yourself. Others can be an aid, but only you can accept it. This world is a reflection of yourself and through it you can understand what service you and what does not. If you have a desire in this world to be something or to experience something. Know that it first started as a soul desire, because of that it is your birth right to experience it. Fear is not real but a false reality of keeping yourself safe. There is no such thing as safety, for you are always safe and guided if you take the time and silence, to see, feel and know it. Don't take the world so seriously, play and connect with the earth. Everything happens for a reason, there's no such thing as coincidences. Take action with intention. The journey never ends. Forgive yourself first before you forgive others.
Allow your heart and spirit to guide your feet. -Jade Fraser
Divine Guidance and Balance
+1 587-582-8307
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